Pickleball players always do it with style!
Claudia J. Caporale
September slipped in with cooler mornings—and club activities at the Ranch went gangbusters! More residents are walking daily, exercise classes are at full limits, bocce now has over 1,000 members and competition is heating up. Our Living Well monthly presentation was on Fraud and Identity Theft by the Denton-Area Teacher’s Credit Union (DACTU). Pat Sherman and her team on Sept. 13 was very informative and shared how to silence unknown callers on cell phones along with several other safety tips. DACTU updates their security information monthly, so if you missed this presentation, be sure to catch the next one. Our website calendar is up-to-date and will keep you informed as to what’s coming up; check it out at rrlwc.com.
Then, Living Well’s big annual Robson Ranch Olympics event was a blast on Sept. 25—a gorgeous day! Gil led his 3.1 mile walk at 7 a.m. with around 15 early risers. Bocce had the largest number of participants—me included—with practice sessions beginning at 8 a.m. There was lots of enthusiasm, laughter, and fun as we formed new teams for each game. Texas Toss was harder than I thought! But many made it look easy. Residents showed their strength and skills competing for their Olympic prizes in the 12 events with winners of the individual genres proudly taking their bow. All participants found a big reward of fun and laughter as they reviewed their talents over a delicious lunch.
Let’s not forget our Friday Vendor Market with fresh veggies, eggs, great pies, salsas, iced coffee, doggy treats, ice cream, and so much more—our every Wednesday Blood Pressure Check begins at 9 a.m. at the Pinnacle—early morning walks with Gil who has designed a new three mile walk and is making plans for his Turkey Trot walk on Thanksgiving Day morning. And for those who have lost a loved one, our Living Well “Reflective Sharing Group” meets the first Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Clubhouse. We’ll be reviewing “Grieving With Hope” led by Barb Schmidt. Anyone feeling depressed, anxious, or in need of comfort is welcomed to join us.
Living Well Presentations continue … On Oct. 7, Theresa Prewit presented “Medicare Options.” We learned about new benefits and how you can get the best services from your Medicare providers. Then on Nov. 15 at 2 p.m., Dr. Juanee Surprise, DC, NMD, IMD DCBCN, Doctor of Chiropractic, Naturopathic Medical Doctor, Indigenous Medical Doctor, and other certifications and specialties will present Healthy Holiday Foods just in time for new Thanksgiving food ideas. All our information, dates, and times can be located on our website at rrlwc.com.
If you’d like to join our Living Well Committee and help us bring other informative, health-worthy presentations to our residents, contact Joyce Ambre at 940-262-3425.
1st Place Winners
Month Long Events
Lap Walk: Jackie Fox, 521 laps
Lap Swim: Bob Bailey, 350 laps
Cycling: Ron Bane, 701 miles
Early Events
1st place in the Ringer Division: Bob Cook, Douglas Hagen
1st Place Dinger Division: Douglas Hagen
1st place Bracket Tournament: Martha Gills
Advance Men Gold: Ron Bane
Advanced Women Gold: Aynn Riback
Today’s Events:
Bocce: Kathy Jedlowski and Kimmo Sutton
Basketball Free Throw: Jerry Buck 10/15
Golf Putting: Don Cartwright
Golf Short game Contest: Gary Geiser
Golf Sand Slot: Mike Patterson
Bolo Toss: Kay Blanton and Ron Bane
TX Toss: Sonny smith and Mala Bowdouris
Water Volleyball: Sam Karr, Dan Brusco, Mike Futcher, Denise Switzer, Ruby Wilson, Barbara Thornton, Sharon Heidlebrect