Veronica Woods, Brookdale Assisted Living, and Kimberly Reed, Good Samaritan Society, address continuum of care options.
Marie Milleage
The Living Well Committee presented its monthly health and wellness seminar on Wednesday, May 20, titled “Continuum of Care.” Kimberly Reed, Marketing Manager from Good Samaritan Society, and Veronica Woods, Marketing Manager, with Brookdale Assisted Living, presented an informative and educational seminar about continuum of care and assisted living communities. They explained that when facing life changes and examining the available options of relocation to a healthcare facility, there are several factors to consider.
A change can be frightening not only for a parent or spouse but also for the caregiver as well. Ms. Reed relayed that one’s world can be overwhelmed by medical terminology, financial decisions and facing the responsibility of choosing an appropriate healthcare organization, often with a choice of between one or two geographic locations with offerings of apartments, duplexes or cottage living arrangements. Continuum of care communities may incorporate all of these types of housing and make a recommendation depending on an assessment of the individual’s health situation. An examination of these facilities and interviews by the caregiver or family with staff will help to narrow down the choices.
Ms. Woods explained that Texas outlines qualifications for licensure of Type A and Type B facilities. Residents residing in Type A facilities must have the capacity to follow directions in a crisis while those in Type B facilities require professional assistance when an emergency arises. Licensed assisted living residences are required to provide 24-hour staffing with services based on individual personal evaluations adjusted as healthcare needs change.
Ms. Reed and Ms. Woods stressed performing research prior to making a final decision, and they recommended various resources such as the Texas Department of Aging and Disability website at www.dads.state.tx.us and obtaining a nursing home checklist at “A Place for Mom” at www.aplaceformom.com/senior-care-resources. For Medicare financial information, view www.medicare.gov/what-medicare-covers.
Many facilities offer short-term therapy and provide private care housing for temporary occupancy during recovery. Bobbi Paskett, supervisor of physical and other therapies at Brookdale and a Robson Ranch resident, also gave insight into these support services.
To register for the Living Well at Robson Ranch seminars, please contact Marie Milleage at [email protected]. For more information about the Living Well at Robson Ranch program, please contact Susan Hebert at [email protected].