Lofty Goals

Jack Graves

Pat Masters is well known to many of you here at Robson Ranch. She is a fitness instructor, pickleball player/coach/referee, spinning instructor, seamstress, great friend to many, and an all-round inspirational person.

Pat has always worked hard to stay fit and healthy, but I would never have expected her to want to hike a “14er” with me. A 14er is the term used by hikers to denote a mountain peak that’s over 14,000 feet. I have a place in Lake City, Colo., and the area is a hiker’s paradise, with many peaks of 14,321 feet. One of the tallest in the area, at 14,309 feet, is Uncompahgre Peak. Named by the native Ute Indians, it is a majestic peak and a very challenging hike. Roughly eight miles round trip with a 3,000-foot ascent from the trailhead just below timberline, it is a daunting hike for anyone at any age.

There is a painting in my Lake City cabin of Uncompahgre Peak, and those who hike it are allowed to sign it. There are very few signatures on it, as most who attempt the hike never reach the top. Pat wanted to sign my painting for her 70th birthday. So, early in the morning on Sept. 19, 2024, we left the cabin and headed up the mountain to the trailhead.

No matter how fit or young you are, dealing with the lack of oxygen at these altitudes is a huge challenge. This is on top of the distance, elevation change, rocky terrain, and threat of dangerous afternoon thunderstorms.

Planning and preparation is imperative, and I came up with a plan to take it slow and easy, with little expectation she could make it to the top. We stopped several times for food and water, and I was continually telling her it was okay if she wanted to head back down. There were a couple of times I thought she had enough, but after a brief rest and encouragement, we would press on.

There is one particular stretch near the top that is a vertical rock scramble (climb), and I assumed this is where she would call it a day. After telling her we were almost to the top and that I would catch her if she slipped, we again pressed on.

We made the summit late afternoon, and it was a very emotional, surreal moment. She did something very few her age have done. After a few hugs, kisses, and photos, we headed back down. What an accomplishment!

It was an awesome experience to share with an amazing person. Pat always sets a great example for others to follow and is an inspiration to many. Remember to prioritize your health, family, friends, and happiness and always set “Lofty Goals”!