Mayor’s Minute

Mayor Gerard Hudspeth

Cooler winter weather, stores bustling with shoppers, and holiday events surround us here in the City of Denton this December. The holiday season is exciting for residents of all ages and reminds me of the many reasons I’m thankful to call Denton home.

Businesses throughout the city have been filled with parents and grandparents shopping for little loved ones, while cheerful holiday music plays in the background. As Denton continues to grow, it is exciting to see the exceptional gift ideas new businesses bring to our community. Whether you are shopping for custom-scented soap, shiny new cufflinks, or a family-friendly experience, Denton has it all. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to have so many unique businesses to choose from, and even more excited to see joy on our children’s faces as they open their gifts in just a few short days.

Our City’s Community Services team, along with other city departments and Our Daily Bread (ODB), have poured immense energy into developing the new 34,000-square-foot Loop 288 facility opening this month. Our Daily Bread was selected by the City of Denton to manage, operate, and provide services at the Loop 288 facility. As the operator, ODB, in collaboration with other local service providers, will utilize this new facility to provide a wide range of supportive services, food security, and temporary housing to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. The facility features a commercial kitchen, an emergency shelter, program services, and transitional housing that helps bridge the gap from homelessness to permanent housing.

With the cooler nights we have experienced this past month, the facility’s expanded capacity ensures individuals experiencing homelessness have a warm place to sleep, along with three meals served daily. Should you have a few extra hours available over this holiday season to donate your time and volunteer at the new facility, I encourage you to visit and sign up. The local nonprofits, city staff, our neighbors experiencing homelessness, and I are grateful for every hour donated to help.

In the holiday spirit of giving, generosity, and thankfulness, Denton Parks and Recreation will host National Wreaths Across America Day on Saturday, Dec. 17, at Oakwood Cemetery (747 East Prairie Street). Staff have been hard at work ensuring all 253 veteran gravesites have received wreath sponsors and invite you to attend the event honoring these veterans and their families. The event begins at 11 a.m., is open to the public, and will include Denton Fire Department’s Pipes and Drums, an address by Rev. Reginal Logan, delivery and placement of the 253 wreaths, and light refreshments following. I’m grateful for the dedication and service of the men and women who gave their life defending our country, and I know staff who have worked hard to organize this event are, too.

I encourage you to check in on your neighbors, visit with a loved one, and dole out a little extra time, energy, and joy over these next few weeks. I’m eager to begin a joy-filled new year with my loved ones, in a city I love to call home, and I wish you the very same!