Sean Curry, 2023 RRSA president (photo by Rosemary Myers-Neagli)
Rosemary “Killer” Myers-Neagli
Last year I read an online article written by a Minnesota Little League president, and he described leadership, “Like a tree, a league is only as strong as the root ball … I am the root ball.” This same statement is how I envision our RR Softball League president Sean Curry. I had the good fortune of meeting Sean in the Fall 2021 when I arrived as a new resident, also new to the game of softball. His infectious, upbeat personality always made me feel welcome and encouraged to “keep trying” at his organized batting practice and Saturday morning fun pick-up games. I also know Sean as a co-ed team manager who led his 2022 team to capture both the spring and fall championships.
Sean relocated to RR in 2019 from Sunnyvale, Texas. He was immediately attracted to our “Field of Dreams” softball, having played in his youth. But when his daughter became involved in the sport at age 12 and continued to play through high school, Sean devoted his time and energy, first volunteering and then serving on various softball league boards. So, becoming the RRSA president was a comfortable and familiar transition.
At RR, the softball president oversees a seven-member board of directors who monitor and direct five leagues (Co-Ed League, Day League, Senior League, a 65+, and a 70+ travelling team) that average nearly 200 players per season. The average tenure of an RRSA board member is one or two years. Since the first RRSA president in 2010, a sense of family and community has been created within our softball association.
Sean’s leadership style is not revolutionary but, rather, rudimentary and to the point. When he was first elected president, the first tasks on his agenda were to trust and support the volunteers on the board and committees, delegate responsibility, and recruit assistance. He is so approachable and pleasant, you just can’t say “no” when he is not shy to ask you to help get things done. Once you become a volunteer, the RRSA has organized several training classes to build knowledge and confidence, supporting you until you are comfortable with your duties, always available for consultation and support.
Sean shared with me his 2023 RRSA presidential format: “Create a fun, safe, competitive, and enjoyable experience for every RR resident interested in ‘stepping onto the dirt’ and playing the sport of softball. The board’s role and responsibilities are to ensure our premier ‘Field of Dreams’ continues to be a premier amenity for the RR Community.”
So, welcome Sean Curry, the root of a large tree, and all those branches of board members and volunteers! It’s going to be an exciting season here at the Ranch!