Sam Haas
Joni Matthiessen
Here at our Robson Ranch Wood Shop, we have such a variety of folks with such diverse skill sets. On any particular day, we have folks stop by and inquire as to whether someone could repair something near and dear to them, something that was damaged in their move here, or simply from wear and tear through the years. Whatever the case may be, most likely there is someone at the shop who can help. Inevitably, someone will either take on the project or find someone else with the skills necessary to complete the project.
Sam Haas was one such individual. He stopped by and brought along a step stool that belonged to his granddaughter from when she was born. Her name, as well as all the newborn data were painted on pieces of the puzzle, so this was indeed a precious keepsake. Sometime over the years, a piece of the puzzle was lost, and he was wondering if there was anyone who could make a new piece to replace the one lost. A template was made of the space, the piece cut out, sides and top shaved to fit perfectly, and the piece was replaced in no time. Sam had some pep to his step as he left the shop that day with a new puzzle piece in place.
So, keep the wood shop in mind if you have something you might like repaired. There are times when something can’t be repaired, but if it can be, there is most likely someone at the shop who is willing to take it on!