Dining at My Café (photo by Stan Brein)
Stan Brein
The heat may slow us down, but it can’t stop us! Like all outdoor activities, we adjust our riding styles and strategies according to the weather: early morning and late afternoon/evening trips; lots of hydration before, during, and after (hence, more roadside stops); and indoor, air-conditioned destinations. It won’t be long before the cooler temperatures and colors of autumn will beckon us toward longer and more frequent excursions.
Steve Bouse arranged a great July breakfast ride to My Café in Flower Mound on July 18. Located at the intersection of Morris Road and Flower Mound Road, it is one of those “just right” locations for a short ride before having a good meal. My Café is a warm and inviting space with friendly service. Our in-house food critic commented, “Great food and service, big portions, wide variety of choices.” ‘Nuff said. Balmy, 90-degree temperatures that morning allowed the group to get back to the Ranch just before the heavy heat fell.
The September Breakfast Ride will be to Lucy’s on the Square in Celina for some good ole country cooking. Reggie Rother will captain the ride on Tuesday, Sept. 26, beginning at 10 a.m. at the clubhouse.
The annual trek to Granbury, Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, will be led by Mike Conley. An overnight stay and some good food will be topped off with a visit to the Granbury Opera House to see the show 9 to 5. See all the details at GroupWorks.
Let’s welcome Steven Foster to the group. We hope that you will soon be joining us on rides and leading us to some new adventures.
The annual Coats for Kids Ride will be held this year on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 26. Details about the ride and the event will be forthcoming. I know we still are cooking outside, but winter will be upon us in a few months, and there are many families in the community who are struggling. The end of summer is a great time to look for that new coat to bring to this annual event, which will benefit the children of Denton County. Please share with your family, friends, neighbors, and groups.
See you on the road!
Beware of cagers, and keep the rubber-side down!