President Mike says, “Just sign here, and it will be okay.”
Stan Brein
Motorcyclists like to talk about their bikes and riding their bikes. That’s why it is always fun to be at the annual Robson Ranch Clubs Open House. We get so busy and caught up in family matters that we miss seeing old acquaintances from around the Ranch. It is just impressive seeing how many things you can get involved in. We were glad to talk with current residents, new homeowners, active house hunters, and a few folks scouting opportunities for retirement. Wow! These folks just seem to be getting younger and younger each year!
Of course, the riding and bike ownership stories are great. We love to compare brands, models, and types of rides. And we talk up the great roads, awesome adventures, and precarious situations we have encountered. Several new members signed up with the club at the Open House, and we look forward to talking and dining with them. We were going to give away a motorcycle at the Open House, but President Mike would not agree to donate his to the cause. Thanks to Mike Conley, Keith Breiner, Ron Bane, Dave Riddle, Jeff Stieber, and Stan Brein for staffing the table. And a tip of the hat to Baker and Baker Video Productions for much of the exceptional ride pictures and videos.
There is more on the horizon. On April 16, if we have money remaining after paying income taxes, we’ll venture to a club favorite, Clark’s Outpost in Tioga. Stay tuned for more riding and culinary adventures.
We are keeping our fireworks dry for participation in the always-festive 4th of July Robson Ranch Independence Day Parade, preceded by the July 3 Motorcycle Decorating Party.
If you are considering venturing into two or three wheels, come join us for a lunch or dinner ride. We’d love to have you!
See you on the road!
Beware of cagers, and keep the rubber side down!
Club Membership:
30 bikes in the club, mostly touring bikes
• Harleys, Gold Wings, Can-Ams, Trikes, and others
Activities in the club
• Breakfast, lunch, or dinner rides once per month
• Day rides to see sites and have lunch
• Long-distance rides (six to nine days)
• Charity rides—Coats for Kids
• 4th of July Parade rides
• Holiday Celebration Dinner (December timeframe)