Last year’s grand prize winner.
Frances Hackley, publicity chair
The Robson Ranch Music Club is again hosting SCARY-OKE here at the Ranch. It has become a “time honored tradition”. The event is always widely anticipated and well attended every year. So, mark your calendars for Friday, Oct. 25, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Robson Clubhouse. Admission is $15. Tickets will be on sale beginning Oct. 7, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through the 25th or until sold out.
Did you know Halloween was actually a three-day event? Halloween—The Feast of All Hallows Day, as it was known, was a three-day observance of All Hallowtide in the liturgical year. The days to remember the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and the faithfully departed. The religious observance includes attending church and lighting candles for those who have passed. However, as traditions go, it is also believed the Celtics added their own flavor to the observance and added the festivities of their fall harvest. This is where such things as carving pumpkins, guising (the wearing of costumes), bobbing for apples, tricking and treating, playing of pranks, and bonfires is believed to have started. The celebration did not catch on here until the 19th century, when the Irish and Scottish settled around Maryland. It then spread across the nation from there.
SCARY-OKE promises, as always, to be a great time to celebrate the end of a long hot summer with dancing and laughing amongst friends. Everyone does such a great job on costuming. But you don’t need one! There are prizes for Scariest, Funniest and Most Creative! We are also going to have a 50/50 Raffle this year! There will also be one for $3 or two for $5 tacos, cash bar, and DJ Bill Cody taking your requests! So, bring your goblin, your princess, and even your witchy friends for a spirited good time of dancing and laughter. So, don’t “Ghost” us, come join the party! Remember to get your tickets early, space is limited and we want to see that costume! See you there, oh, maybe we won’t recognize you!
Other events to watch for: Oct. 12 the Robson Ranch Music club will have a booth at the After-Schoolers Garage sale. If you have items just taking up space, get them to Janie Farnsworth 940-262-3401, the club will be glad to receive your unwanted items (no clothing please). Then in November the Robson Ranch Choir will have their annual Veterans Day Concert on Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets will start selling on Oct. 21. Veteran’s will receive a free ticket (must be registered and on the SOP list of veterans). In December, the Christmas Concert will warm everyone’s hearts on the 21st and 22nd. At the end of the year, The Robson Ranch Music Club will host the New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance on Dec. 31. As always, go to the website to keep up with all the events the Robson Music Club brings to you, rrmusicclub.com.