Northstar verification form and homeowner ID photos

The recent photo session we held in the Clubhouse in September was a huge success. We want to thank everyone who took the time to come in and have a photo taken for the new homeowner cards. We encountered a few glitches here and there, but overall everything went smoothly. If you didn’t get a chance to have your photo taken, we will be conducting another photo session later this month or early November. Watch for those dates in the daily email bulletins.

We need every resident’s help to make sure that our records are current and complete. To do that we are conducting a membership information drive, both online and in person. If you have access to the internet the link for the form is located on the homepage of the Robson Ranch HOA website, or you can visit and fill out the online form for data about you and your household. The questions ask about who lives at your address, contact information for each person, how you wish to receive your HOA bills, and names and contact information for the people you would like notified in case of an emergency. The online form is expected to take no more than 10 minutes to fill out and submit. Please be assured that the form is encrypted and your data will only be used for the HOA and will not be shared or sold.

If you don’t have access to a computer, paper forms are available at the reception desk at the clubhouse.

Later this year residents will be issued a new homeowner card with a new member number, photo and RFID chip. Photos provide an extra level of security in the event your homeowner card is lost.

If you have already completed the form, either on line or paper version, please do not resubmit the form.