Thank you cart owner drivers

John Burkholder, MGA9 Publicity New to golf just last year, I don’t own a golf cart. Thought it a good idea to hold off purchasing until I determined if I enjoyed the game and could play it without making a fool of myself and/or spoiling the rounds of my golfmates. After a year and several…

WGA is ready to play

Linda Farmer The officers are inducted, the committees established and dues have been collected for the 2016 golf season. Now all we need is that beautiful Texas spring weather that we love so that our Tuesday play days can kick off. We just can’t wait to officially inaugurate those beautiful new white sand bunkers! March…

Memory Keepers welcome  newcomers

This is a page from a scrapbook made in the 1900s

Debbe Kearns The very definition of Scrapbooking is preserving personal family history in the form of a scrapbook. While this is true, scrapbooking is so much more. One can tell a story chronologically with photos but with much more flare. Adding to cherished photos, special features, journals, details, and embellishments to an album page add…

Kiwanis B-I-N-G-O returns in February

You may be a winner at Kiwanis Bingo.

Vicki Baker It’s a new year, the holidays are over, and we all need something to cure the winter blues: Kiwanis Bingo! That’s right, save the date February 28, 2016 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Please note the time change as players will not be able to enter the ballroom until 1:30 p.m. when sales…

Hello New Year – Music Club hosts annual party

Dee Kurtz, Publicity The Music Club sponsored a wonderful evening for the residents. The auditorium was softly glowing as the guests arrived; it set the mood! The colors were beautiful and added that special touch. A very special mention is needed. The table design and decorations this year were donated by Pat Barton; thank you…