Chelsea Johnson The holidays are almost upon us! Since Christmas is so close to the editorial deadline, we are moving it up. Please have all editorial submitted by 4 p.m. on December 23 (for the January issue). Be sure to mark your calendars now! If you have any questions about submission guidelines, please call Chelsea Johnson…
Generals, December 2015
Editorial deadline change for December 2015
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Ladies with Hattitude host “A Royal Tea for Royalty”
Ladies with Hatittude member Shirley Minderman held a “High Tea” for the Ladies with Hatittude at her home on November 18, 2015. Each member traded her red hat for a red crown. Each of the 20 ladies attending the High Tea became a British Queen for the day. Each Queen’s Crown was decorated with beautiful…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Baby Boomers pack Robson Grill
David Parker On the first Friday in November the Baby Boomers packed the house at the Robson Grill in the clubhouse. It was another record turnout with many new boomers joining in. All new boomers that showed up were greeted and welcomed by many of the veteran boomers. An after party was held at Grapes…
Generals, December 2015
Giving back to neighbors and friends
Catherine Simpson On October 31 a group of women went to 30 homes at the Ranch to bring a bit of cheer (and candy) to those who are caregivers, who have or are dealing with illness or the loss of a loved one. Once again, after eight years of this activity, it is always a…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Robson Ranch Catholic Club meeting recap
Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Alex and Irene Manning. A short meeting was started with a prayer. The meeting consisted of some old business and a few announcements, and the meeting was adjourned. Our very special guest speakers were from the Encourage group, which…
Sports, November 2015
Yes, horseshoes IS an Olympic sport
Scott Baker The inaugural Olympic Horseshoe events of Horseshoe Ladder and Horseshoe Ringers finished up the day before the final day of the Olympics. Horseshoe Ringers required 500 horseshoe throws and counting the total number of “ringers” made. Not only was this a game in itself, it also provided lots of practice for other horseshoe…