Pathfinders Club welcomes new residents to Robson Ranch

Peggy Villagomez Pathfinders welcomed 11 new residents at our October luncheon. The Pathfinders consist of a wonderful group of residents who take time out of their busy schedules to be greeters at our monthly luncheons. These greeters are a vital part of Pathfinders. They meet, greet and help new residents navigate their way through the…

What a garage sale!

The After Schooler’s garage sale members, left to right: Carol Foley, Darla Chupp, Robbie Waits and Helen Adamson.

On October 18 the sun did shine on Robson Ranch and our After Schooler’s Club. Great weather and great Robson Ranch residents helped make our fall Community Garage Sale a big success. We had the most goods donated, most residents selling their own goods and most wonderful people shopping this year. After Schooler’s Club proceeds…

Pastor’s Corner – November 2014

Jim Mann A.W. Tozer once said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. Worship is pure or base as the worshiper entertains high or low thoughts of God.” It really does matter how we think about God; these thoughts affect everything else. So who is…

There’s something fishy going on

Mark Hemingway at the pond.

Paula Hemingway “Mark. Mark! Where are you?” I searched every room of the house. Where could he be? I checked outside. No sign of my beloved husband. Maybe he’s jabbering with the neighbors on their patio. Nope. I was about to call for a Silver Alert when I found him by the little pond behind…

Fellowship at the Ranch – November 2014

Jim Wilkins Sometimes we escape the whole concept of Thanksgiving using the same fervor with which we have commercially extorted Christmas. We use the word “thanksgiving” as a euphemism for a whole day of gathering the family clan together to eat, drink and be merry watching football from dawn to dusk. Only in America where…