Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Alex and Irene Manning. A short meeting was started with a prayer. The meeting consisted of some old business and a few announcements, and the meeting was adjourned. Our very special guest speakers were from the Encourage group, which…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
“Hand It” to the Wine Knots
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Garden Club hears program on honey bees

Barbara Anderson There is no better way to begin a week than with laughter on a Monday morning, and that is just what the Robson Ranch Garden Club experienced on Monday, October 19 with a program on honey bees and just good story-telling by Bill Marquis of Storey, Texas. We learned that honey bees are…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Jewish Friendship Group news
Shalom all Our Jewish Friendship Group met on October 11 hosted by Dan and Nanci Zipes. We had over 20 people in attendance with some delightful food treats for us all. We thank all members for their participation. Our next meeting November 8 will be hosted by Ilene and Jerry Schlesinger and December will be…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Kiwanis Club Bingo Blast show me the money!
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Road Runners travel bug fix
Maitland Dade Has that old pesky travel bug been worrying you lately? If so, the Road Runners Travel Club has a few ideas for you. We have planned a full 2016 calendar year of in-state and out-of-state events and trips! How about these: In January 2016 The Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Arrive in…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Wine and Brew Crew

Diane Williams The newest wine tasting group met at the home of Diane and Barry Williams on September 24. The official name chosen is The Wine and Brew Crew. All California wines were the tasting for the evening plus a bounty of appetizers and of course chocolates for dessert. There are 10 couples in this…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Baby Boomers numbers grow
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Girls on Wheels sample wines and chocolates at Grapefest

Vicki Baker Eat! Drink! Be Merry! Girls on Wheels headed to Grapefest on September 17 for our monthly outing. Just because summer was winding down didn’t mean we should too. Grapefest was the perfect topper to our summer activity list with a day of incredible wine tastings, food samplings and shopping artisans’ wares. But first…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Oktoberfest takes on a different meaning for Kiwanis

Larry Varnes The October 2 meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch brought forward change beyond the celebration of fall’s arrival. Kiwanis celebrated a change of leadership. Our Lt. Governor for Division 8, Fred Funk, retired old officers and installed the new board. Taking over the presidency is Barbara Leurig who is relatively new…