Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice is one of Robert Frost’s most popular poems. In light of the Polar cold we experienced in January, it seemed appropriate: Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice,…

African American Social Group news – February 2015

Marie Milleage The African American Social Group members join together to enjoy dinner, fellowship, conversation and outside activities. Our gatherings are held at a resident’s home, a restaurant or cultural venue and provide an opportunity to enjoy friendships and greet new homeowners. The group’s men meet regularly, and the ladies get together monthly to discuss…

Kiwanis brings Bingo back in February

As you can see we usually get a full house, so be sure to get your tickets in advance of the February play date.

Larry Varnes Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch, Bingo is returning to the clubhouse for the enjoyment of Robson Ranch residents on February 22, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. In addition to being a lot of fun with the ability to win big cash prizes, Bingo at…

Volleyballers party on off the court

The “volleyballers” and spouses at their holiday party

David Laschinger The Robson Ranch gymnasium can be a rowdy place on Monday and Tuesday evenings during the pick-up volleyball games. There are squeals of excitement, applause and cheers after a long volley and laughter when the ball is mishandled or other craziness happens on the hardwood floor. It’s a pick-up game with whoever shows…

Keep Winter Energy Bills in Check

(Family Features) As winter temperatures drop, the potential for higher utility bills goes up. Taking steps ahead of the cold season can help you trim costs and make your home more energy efficient, keeping those utility bills in check even as the winter weather rages. “Many homeowners just assume the winter season means their bills…

Shalom all – February 2015

Linda Zisman Shalom all Our January Jewish Friendship Group meeting was held on January 11 and hosted by Lynn and Bill Moore. We had around 20 people attend, and they brought wonderful Jewish foods to share. The regular lox and bagels, chopped liver, kugel, French toast, salads and cheeses were all served. Our group is…