One Blustery Day

Paula and Laura Hemingway

Paula Hemingway Is this Texas? Did I move to Robson Ranch or Siberia? I’d never seen so much ice in the Lone Star State, but I figured it would be gone in a day or two. Boy, was I wrong. It hung around like a bad cold. Television had lost its luster. We were bored…

Catholic Club notice

The Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on Wednesday, November 12, instead of the second Tuesday, November 11, which was Veterans Day. The meeting was held at the lovely home of Jim and Lynn D’Entremont. The guest speaker was Fr. Khoi, Assistant Pastor at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church here in Denton. Fr. Khoi, a refugee from…

Winners again

Pam and Wayne Casalino are winners again!

Catherine W. Bass For the second time in the past three months, Pam and Wayne Casalino have chosen the winning wine at Tuesday Tasters! They are getting to be pros at selecting award-winning wines. The Tuesday Tasters met at the home of Tom and Vickie Moses for their November tasting. Five wines were sampled along…

Veterans’ Park ceremony

Service dogs at the Veterans Day ceremony.

Seventy-five persons braved temperatures in the 30s and 25-30 mph winds to attend the 9:30 a.m. ceremony at the Robson Ranch Veterans Park on Veterans Day. It was the sixth anniversary of the dedication of the Park. The Honor Guard was comprised of Robson Ranch Veterans: Staff Sergeant Watson Crumbie, USMC, WWII and Korea; Lieutenant…

Railroad Club news – December 2014

The model railroad scene located in the Arts and Technology display window.

Charles Runner The Robson Ranch Railroaders Model Railroad Club held its last meeting of the year the last week of October. President Charles Runner and Vice President Mike Rogers were re-elected to their positions. Treasurer Rob Denzinger, who was a founding member of the club, has moved from Robson Ranch to Oklahoma. We wish him…