Carolyn Thomas Robson Ranch Aqua Zumba classes continue to grow. Aqua Zumba is taught at the indoor pool on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:45-10:45 a.m. The group is approaching their six-year anniversary. Class is led by Ming Schrader. She is a licensed Zumba/Aqua Zumba instructor. She is also certified in the Athletic Fitness…
Clubs & Classes, April 2018
Aqua Zumba
Features, April 2018
Servants’ Sound gospel concert
Barbara Shippy On Sunday, March 18 both New Life and Fellowship at the Ranch churches sponsored a free gospel concert for the Robson Ranch community. This concert was the first of its kind here within our community. The Servants’ Sound quartet, along with their awesome pianist and sound technician provided a wonderful mix of…
Clubs & Classes, April 2018
Sigma Chi Sweetheart dinner
Generals, March 2018
Music Club Calendar
The Karaoke and Concert Events for 2018 are sponsored by The Robson Ranch Music Club. Mark your 2018 calendars with the following events: St. Patrick’s Karaoke – March 16 Spring Concert – April 21 and 22 Karaoke and Dance parties – 6/8, 8/17, 10/26 (SCARYOKE) The Fourth of July Patriotic Concert Veterans Day Concert…
Generals, March 2018
For the joy of it
Sheilah Ross, Publicity Chair We sing because music heals the soul and just for the joy of it! Do you know that the Robson Ranch Community Choir was started in 2002 by former Robson resident Gordon Summers? Gordon loved music and decided to get a group together—just for the joy of singing. Then he…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Garden Club news
Theresa L. Peoples The March Garden Club meeting will be on Monday, March 19 in the Lone Star Room of the Clubhouse at 10:30 a.m. Our program will be delivered by Liz Moyer from the Denton County Master Gardeners Association and the Native Plant Society of Texas. Having lived in North Texas over forty…