Volunteering in the prison system

  Nancy Thomas On Saturday, November 11, the New Life Church’s Ladies’ and Men’s Lunch Bunch groups combined to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. Our hosts were Carol and Jim Hansen who opened their beautiful home to 47 of us. We feasted on turkey, ham, and all the trimmings – which included Jois Ross’ southern cornbread…

Bocce Fall League Champoinship playoff highlights

  John Humphries The Fall Bocce League held its Division and League Championship playoffs on a beautiful, windy day on the courts at the Wildhorse Grill patio. All top four teams from the regular season standings competed in single elimination matches within each of the two divisions. The winning team from the Corleone and Soprano…

Don’t Miss The Annual Christmas Concerts

  Sheilah Ross, Music Club Publicity Chair The Robson Ranch Music Club Community Choir will perform two “Christmas at the Ranch” concerts for your holiday enjoyment. Concert times are December 16, at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 17, at 4:00 p.m. Let us help make your Christmas “sparkle, jolly, twinkle, jingle, shiny, showy, cheery, kringle,…

Kale, love that kale!

  Wayne Detjen It’s amazing! Kale salad on the menu. Ornamental kale in the patio borders. Now we have kale serving bowls for the table. Jackie Graham taught 17 members of Happy Potters how to impress clay with leaves of the beautiful cruciferous plant. We then formed vases, bowl and pots, pieces of gorgeous detail.…

Corks and Caps

  Susan Joyce The bubbly was flowing at the Corks and Caps monthly gathering at the Susan and Barry Joyce home. Dom Perignon, a French monk, made the first sparkling wine by mistake! Thank you, Dom. The abbey was trying to change the color of its wine because it was a light pink compared to…