Notes from the Robson Ranch Woodshop

The wood shop

David Bassham, Woodworkers President If you have lived at Robson Ranch for any time at all you are probably familiar with the woodworking shop located in the Creative Arts and Technical Center. Still I am occasionally surprised when talking to long-term residents who don’t realize that we have a wood shop or that we do…

Wildhorse Lady Niners new and happenings

Mary Ornberg The Wildhorse Lady Niners started the day on May 11 with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start scramble. Afterwards we all met at the Grill for our “golf club scrub party.” Brushes, buckets and rags were provided to us by our social committee. After our clubs were sparkling and clean the Grill served up…

Spring Dance Party in full bloom

Goodbye winter; Dance Club “Swings into Spring”

Vicki Baker When you think of spring blooming flowers, budding trees and chirping birds come to mind. But for the Dance Club we think “Swing into Spring” and dance, dance, dance those winter blues away! We got the party started on April 29 and rang in the warmer season with friends, dancing, fun and lots…