Dresden Neighborhood quilts

Su Brusco

Sandi Price From one template comes many variations. The assignment was to produce a quilted wall hanging from one Dresden template and it was amazing to see how clever these ladies were both in color and the personal additions they made to their wall hangings. There were no two alike. One of the hangings had…

Fellowship at the Ranch

Ed Jones I’m often told that one doesn’t need to attend church to be a Christian. While I agree that you don’t need to go to church to be a Christian, there is some clarification necessary. Let’s define what it means to be a Christian by looking at a person who Jesus said was a Christian,…

Robson Ranch super generous residents

Lavelle Carlson For several years the After Schoolers group has had the pleasure of taking baskets of stockings (provided by Material Girls), stuffed toys, scarves, and food to feed some of the needy families at Borman Elementary. Your food donations provided enough food for each of the 25 families for the two weeks they were on holiday. Last…

Join the Potluck Club

Donna Zak It’s a great time to join Potluck Club as the new year is almost here. Potluck is a fun way to meet new people while enjoying a wonderful meal. The club provides opportunities throughout the year for our members to host a meal in their home. You only have to host one rotation…

Kiwanian of the Year

Milt Glenn

Jan Norton Congratulations to Milt Glenn, Robson Ranch Kiwanian of the Year! On the ballot, Milt is credited with being silent auction co-chair, ten-year anniversary chair, project events task force chair, and Source Book delivery. But, as you may recall from last month’s Pioneer Press, Milt has done so much more for the organization that works…

Baby Boomers rule!

Dave Parker On the first Friday in October the Robson Ranch Baby Boomers gathered on another hot evening. Usually there is a cool down in October, but not this year. The Boomers have to wait one more week to see temperatures in the 80s. With Texas Toss going on outside on the patio, many of…