St. Susannah Feast

Susan Joyce The second annual St. Susannah’s Feast Day Celebration was held on August 14 at the Wildhorse Grill. Susan was a top ten baby girl name from 1944-1959 and over 70 Susans, Sues, Suzannes, Suzettes, etc. live at the Ranch! Happy Hour was enjoyed by 38 name buddies!

Why Kiwanis?

Susan and Jim Galbraith

Jan Norton This is the first in a series of interviews with Robson Ranch Kiwanis members. Read to learn more about us and then join us so that we can continue to grow and serve those in need. Jim Galbraith: Jim sees Kiwanis as “an international force of world peace.” Kiwanians serve 90+ different countries, representing various…

Yard of the Month

Theresa L. Peoples 8200 American Way was August’s Yard of the Month winner. This is the home of Cathy and Eddie Ricks. They moved here a year and a half ago from Lubbock, Texas. Not only is the front yard very colorful and welcoming with friendly window boxes, but the back yard also has gorgeous bougainvillea around the pool…

Musicians welcome!

Bruce Chidester The 2019-2020 season of the Robson Chamber Ensemble will begin again on September 8 in the Ballroom. All instrumental musicians are welcome to join us for a very full and exciting season. Anyone interested in participating in this talented ensemble need only to contact its director, Prof. Bruce Chidester for an interview. So,…