Jewish Friendship Group

Shalom All What a nice Jewish Friendship group turned out for July’s meeting, over 20 members and some new ones also. Summer has many folks away from the heat to cooler places, but our group is nicely growing again. Our hosts were Susan and Errol Cohen. August will be hosted by Ilene and Jerry Schlesinger…

Baby Boomers meet off Ranch

The Baby Boomers met in July at the Drunken Donkey.

Dave Parker The Baby Boomer group at Robson Ranch met at the Drunken Donkey in Denton for the first meeting in July. It was a great turnout with almost the whole reserved room filled with Boomers. The Drunken Donkey is known for its 144 tap beers, which is the most anyone in the group has…

Women’s Club July meeting

Jill Beam, Ms. Texas Senior America

Susan Knopick The Women’s Club of Robson Ranch had a delightful visitor for its July lunch. Jill Beam who is Ms. Texas Senior America ( told the Women’s Club about her years as the Dallas Park and Recreation office’s Athletic and Reservations Manager and about winning the Ms. Texas senior pageant. The aim of the…