Gardening with an enchanted twist

While the stress-relieving capabilities and health benefits of gardening are well known, a twist on this timeless hobby offers a way to add charm and a whimsical feel to your home and garden. Creating an enchanted fairy garden can boost imagination and offer a family-friendly way to hone your green thumb. These miniature landscapes, often…

Introducing Activities Staff members

Activities staff: Yuriy Boychuk, Sam Beasley, Althea Parent, Activities Coordinator, John Stanton and Steve Bentley

Althea Parent The activities staff works hard every day to make sure each and every event is setup and all your club needs are met. Facilities attendants Yuriy Boychuk, Sam Beasley, John Stanton and Steve Bentley strive for perfection to get the rooms in the Clubhouse and CATC Building setup for your club meetings and…

Murder Mystery Dinner Show Saturday, June 25

The next Murder Mystery Dinner Show. Don’t miss it!

The Robson Ranch Murder Mystery Dinner Show, Oil’s Well…That Ends Well, will be presented Saturday, June 25. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., the buffet will be at 6:00 and the show starts at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $50 per person. Lagniappe Productions is a professional production company with over 35 years of experience and literally…

Did somebody say karaoke?

Dee Kurtz The Ranch has the best Karaoke around. This evening was so much fun, and the residents of Robson really make these events festive each time! We encourage everyone to try on Karaoke Nite. If you are new to Robson Ranch join us for the next Karaoke on June 17. Come as you are;…

Meet the author and Ranch resident

The Wormhole Project book cover

Jan Marx Robson Ranch Writers Guild’s co-founder, Carl Smothers, enjoys writing stories that relate to his scientific background. His four novels are The Wormhole Project and MP-1: The Mineral Planet, available on in e-book and paperback. I-Gynoid and The Entity are available on in e-book. The following is a synopsis of The Wormhole Project, the…

Updates from the library

Library Alert: We need to mention that the HOA is asking all facility spaces to have a sign-in sheet to show use by residents. Thank you to those using our new sign-in sheet! To those unaware of it, please find it on the desk just to your left when entering the library. Donations continue to…