Movie Lovers Group

The Movie Lovers

David Parker The February meeting of the Movie Lovers Group was down slightly with members traveling and some health issues. It did not stop the lively discussion this month of movies that were nominated for Academy Awards. The Revenant was clearly impactful on those that saw the movie. It was a clear favorite to win Best…

Kiln Krafters news

Barbara Moyles, left, explains to participants how to paint an item before taking it home.

Dorothy Edlund The Kiln Krafters Club recently held an open house to introduce residents to the ins and outs of ceramics. Over 30 residents came to see how the process starts with pouring slip into molds, drying, cleaning, firing and finally glazing or painting the finished item. Each person was able to paint a Texas…

February RR International Club meeting notice

Marlena Hutin, Kenneth Smith, Stella Smith, Rupa Mathur, Dianne van Naerssen, Fred van Naerssen, Loren Christens and Siggy Baeumia dressed up in their traditional dress.

Rupa Mathur The Robson Ranch International Club met at Dianne and Fred Van Naerssen’s home on February 18, 2016. It turned out to be a wonderful treat for all the members. Dianne and Fred had taken a great deal of trouble and prepared a wonderful variety of Indonesian cuisine for dinner. The number of items…

Good Ol’ Texas barbeque

The Ladies With Hattitude at Dickey’s in Denton

Jeanne Barger Yee Haw! The Ladies With Hattitude donned their western wear and devoured a sumptuous good ol’ Texas barbeque at Dickey’s in Denton. The most popular hat choice was a red cowboy hat when we met on February 17. And Dickey’s rolled out the red carpet for us with specials and discounts just for…

Spring has sprung for Living Well Walkabout

Team of walkers ready to hit the pavement

Vicki Baker Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring, and he had it right. Sixteen walkers in the monthly Living Well Walkabout were greeted with overcast skies and temperatures in the low 70s as they started off from Veterans Park on Saturday morning, February 20. Not sure the Walkabout is for you? Saturday’s event included walkers…

Candidate Forum April 6

The Denton City Council will have three seats in play. Early voting for City Council will begin in late April. Election Day will be Saturday, May 7. The three seats are mayor and two “at large” seats, which means they represent the whole city. Robson Ranch voters can vote for all three seats. Watch the…