WGA hosted WLN on Tuesday, August 16

The scramble at Robson Ranch started on a cloudy but glorious 66 degrees…in August! All the lady golfers had a fabulous time, and the Niners extended their effort to play a full 18 holes. Various door prizes were given to 10 lucky golfers, and the following ladies took home the bacon. First Place ($13 each,…

Birding Interest Group notice

A Pileated Woodpecker that I saw and heard in northwestern Wisconsin this summer.

John Kirk Summer is almost over, and the migration of birds going south will soon be underway. Be watching the Robson announcements and the bulletin board for notice of our first fall meeting, which will be in the latter half of September. For newcomers to the Ranch, the birding interest group is for everyone interested…

SOLO happenings

On August 14, 2016, the Lower Southerland Drive (SOLO) friends enjoyed a great day attending West Side Story at the Denton Community Theatre then enjoying a great meal at the Barley and Board Restaurant. Around the table from left: Scott and Megan Wiegand, Robert and Kathy Todd, Jeff and Linda Venable, Donalee Hallenbeck, Donna Lepore, Denise…

Living Well presentation about vertigo

Marie Milleage The presentation in July by Doug Soell provided residents with a clear understanding about vertigo, dizziness and other balance problems. Many program attendees agreed that dizziness affected them at one time or another whether at home, during sports activities or at other locations. Doug shared that 90 million Americans seek care because of…

Unit Happenings

Unit 17 residents at the Wildhorse Grill

Dorothy Edlund In late July, the HOA’s Unit 17 (Ravenwood, Teakwood, Sandlewood and Starwood residents) were invited to a meet and greet dinner at the newly remodeled Wildhorse Grill. This gave everyone an opportunity to get to know new and old neighbors. Some residents have been in this area for eight years and others just…

Garden Club begins program September 19

Barbara Anderson, Garden Club President Calling all gardeners regardless of your skill level. The Robson Ranch Garden Club will begin its program year on Monday, 19 September, 10:30 a.m. in the Lone Star Room at the Clubhouse. The meeting will last approximately 90 minutes. We particularly invite our many new residents. If you have moved…