The Game Gang

Pete Toppan, Kathy Zumann, Tom Zumann, Ed Heberlein, Kathy Heberlein, Susan Parker, David Parker, Vivian Wright, Melodye Rogers, Al Wright, Nancy Toppan, Millie Aramanda and Mike Aramanda

Nancy Toppan Mexican Train was developed by two people from Newport Coast, California. Roy and Katie Parsons copyrighted the rules for the game Train in 1994. After it became more widely known, the Puremco Company purchased the rights. Now this company produces and sells the Mexican Train game. After filling up on finger lickin’ good…

In the Water

The Baby Boomers enjoying the outdoor pool

David Parker The Baby Boomers at Robson Ranch added a new activity in the month of August. On hot August Monday nights the Boomers are meeting at the outdoor pool for some fun and friendship. On August 17 the Boomers met at the pool and participated in “Noodle Races,” “Stupid Human Water Tricks” and “Best…