Join the fun with High Stakes Bridge

Ladies afternoon bridge meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month to play party bridge at 1:00 p.m. It is a fun group of ladies eager to meet the new resident bridge players of RR. We play high stakes bridge so everyone kicks in their fifty cents! Come join us or contact Deb…

HOA Trivia Night

First place team, Wikipedia Wannabes: Steve and Sherry Hansel, Ron and Suzanne Cote, Linda Smith, Mike and Pat Sabo, Susan Volgamore and Doug Boggs, sponsor

Althea Parent The third HOA Trivia Night for 2015 was a huge success. We had 19 playing teams and 29 spectators; all those who attended had a great time. Teams had eight members, which either helped or hindered with getting the answers. I keep saying it’s always best to go with your gut, but teams…

Mark your calendars…BINGO is back!

Maureen Lehrer won some money!

Your favorite game is back. Bingo Blast sponsored by Kiwanis is scheduled for Sunday, September 20, 2015. By the time you read this article we hope you will have already picked up your advance tickets. They were distributed to the first 300 players registering in the clubhouse during the weeks of September 7 and 14.…

Pickleball Club meeting notice

Susan Parker The Robson Ranch Denton Pickleball Club will be holding a membership meeting to approve changes to the bylaws. The meeting will be November 18, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Patriot Room of the clubhouse. All members are encouraged to attend. The proposed language changes will be sent to the membership for review…

Get your Flu Shot

Great News! Flu shots and other vaccinations will be available six times this year for the convenience of Robson Ranch residents. The same company who has provided flu shots for the past several years, On-Site Health Services/Super Value Pharmacy, will be offering a variety of vaccinations again at the Robson Ranch clubhouse on the following…