Meritage Wine Group celebrates in Granbury

Venera and Richard Monahan on their 50th wedding anniversary

David Laschinger As the sun warmed a crisp spring Saturday morning in mid-March, 10 members of the Meritage Wine Group and two guests spread a picnic lunch on outdoor tables at Bluff Dale Winery a few miles southwest of Granbury. It was the first group activity in a jam-packed day. After enjoying lunch, several in…

Do you fondue? We do!

All the LOLs fondued and filled the room with laughter and anticipation of their next gathering. LtoR around the table are: Peggy Crandell, Sally Baggott, MaryAnn Carroll, Glenda Brown, Carol Cieslik, Gayle Cole, Jan Utzman, Joan Krause and Judy Ondina.

Judy Ondina On a recent damp March evening, the LOLs (Ladies of Laughter, Ladies of Life, etc.) gathered at the home of Peggy Crandell for a fondue party. She greeted each of us with her warm smile and Easter decorations already in place. We anxiously awaited as we could see the table all set up…

HOA presents: Trivia Night Friday, May 6

HOA presents Trivia Night on Friday, May 6, 2016 from 7:00-9:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person and spectator tickets are $5 per person. The game consists of teams of eight players, six rounds of three questions each with prizes awarded to the first, second and third place teams. Now is the time to grab…

Makin’ tracks with the Living Well Walkabout

The Walkabout starting line

Vicki Baker The morning of Saturday, March 19, was met with wind-chill temperatures of 36 degrees and winds gusting to 24 miles per hour. But these conditions weren’t enough to deter the diehard fans of the monthly Living Well Walkabout. Starting out from Veterans Park at 9:00 a.m. the walkers were bundled up in coats,…