Pickleball Academy and Skills Clinic

Graduates of the February 4 
Skills Clinic

David Parker The Robson Ranch Pickleball Club sponsors an academy for new and beginner players. The academy graduated it first class of 2016 in January with the degree of Bachelors of Pickleball. All graduates learned the rules of the game, basics strokes, scoring and basic strategy in four one-and-a-half hour classes. After graduating from the…

Souped-up to perfection

Front row: Peggy Zilinsky, hostess; Jois Ross, leader; Cynthia Kreiselmaier and Sherry Zeise; Around the table: Judy Smith, Betty Silich, Liz Peveto-Garvy, Sandra Anderson, Judy Fairchild, Martha Crump, Nancy Thomas, Lynne Hanshaw, Nancy Myers, Leslie Brooks, Barb Schmidt, Karen Payne, Anita Nelson, Nancy Nevius, Pat File, Peggy Bower, Erna Seale and Ruthie Klein

Sherry Zeise The approaching second Saturday of each month stirs excitement and activity in kitchens of New Life Church ladies around Robson Ranch. They are preparing delicious dishes and desserts to share at the Ladies Lunch Bunch, held at a member’s home, and lovingly and creatively directed by Jois Ross. That’s what the excitement’s about!…

Road Runners cruise the Caribbean

David Parker On February 21 approximately 75 Road Runners departed from Galveston on a one week cruise aboard the beautiful Liberty of the Seas from Royal Caribbean. Frisco Lakes also joined in the fun and our combined group totaled over 140! About 50 Road Runners took a beautiful new motor coach that left from Robson…

Robson Ranch Model Railroad Club says goodbye

A Railroad Club display; photo by Charles Runner

Charles Runner The last train has pulled out of the Robson Ranch Railroaders Club station. President Charles Runner and Vice President Mike Rogers, who have served since the club’s founding in 2008, will be moving from Robson Ranch. Our only club secretary, Rob Denzinger, departed the Ranch about six months ago. There were no volunteers…

Happy Potters’ new members jump into the mud

Jackie Graham creates a unique bowl.

Jan Marx Eager to get their hands dirty and make something beautiful, our seven new members are busy taking lumps of clay and changing them into unique forms. Enthusiasm for pottery has blossomed throughout the club thanks to several established craft men/women. Carolyn and Wayne Detjen, Judie Smothers, Jo Hanes, Liz Katz, Mary Joe Manchester,…