Newly elected Republican Club officers with Dr. Lynn Stuckey. From left to right Amy Enloe, Dr. Stuckey, Jim Linden, Joyce Amber, and Paul Vicalvi.
Paul Vicalvi, vice president
Sept. 4 marked the beginning of this year’s Robson Ranch Republican Club meetings. Brownies, cookies, coffee, and tea were provided courtesy of Hillwood Construction Services. Our new officers were introduced and a plaque was presented to former president Russ Bafford in appreciation for his strong leadership last year. After hearing short updates from a number of our local representatives, our state representative, Dr. Lynn Stuckey, took to the floor as our main speaker giving us an update on happenings in our state capital. Dr. Stuckey gave a short explanation of the upcoming vote on amendments to our state constitution and promised to send us more extensive pros and cons of each amendment (these have since been sent to each Robson Ranch resident who is on the Republican email list. If you did not receive one, please drop a short email request to [email protected] and one will be sent to you).
An energetic member question and answer period took place after Dr. Stuckey. With the desire that everyone be an informed voter, several members recommended that next year the Republican Club meet in the summer months because of the 2020 Presidential election to give us the opportunity to have more speakers and discussions about this important election. It was also recommended that we set up a table in the club each morning for voter registration and issue discussion. We hope to have this table set up with Republican Club representatives in the near future.
Everyone is invited to attend and join our Robson Ranch Republican Club gatherings the first Wednesday of each month. Denton City Councilman Jesse Davis, District 3, and Pat Smith from the Special Citizen’s Bond Advisory Committee will be speaking on Oct. 2. The honorable Allan Clark, a medically retired Vietnam veteran who lost both legs in combat will be with us on Nov. 6, and Retired Lieutenant Colonel Allen West will be the featured speaker at our holiday dinner meeting on Dec. 4.