Robson Ranch residents and Pilot Knob Rotary Club members Pat Henderson (director of Club Service) and Jack Kearney (president 2022-23)
How often do any of us think about polio? If you are like most of us, not very often, if at all. Would it surprise you to know that polio still infects children around the world? The polio vaccine was developed and used beginning in 1955. Most of us remember getting the oral vaccine as a child or young adult. In the United States and most nations around the globe, our children and grandchildren have been routinely vaccinated against polio. Unfortunately, polio still exists. But, fortunately, there are only two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, where polio is still classified as endemic.
Polio primarily infects children under the age of five. But until we eradicate polio forever, every child remains at risk. The fight to end polio is led by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which includes Rotary International, UNICEF, the U.S. CDC, the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and governments around the world. Rotary International has been recognized for its leadership in the efforts to End Polio Now.
On Oct. 22 members of the Pilot Knob Rotary Club participated, along with other Denton area Rotary clubs, in the End Polio Now fundraiser at Denton Spin Company. Area Rotary members were sponsored by friends, family, and club members in the “Spin to End Polio,” raising $1,936. With 2-1 matching funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations, that amount increases to $5,808.
The Pilot Knob Rotary Club would like to thank all the donors to End Polio Now and the Denton Spin Company, 608 East Hickory Street, Suite 120, Denton, Texas 76205, 940-435-0473, for the generous in-kind donation of its facilities for the Spin to End Polio event.
The Pilot Knob Rotary Club meets every Friday at noon for lunch in the Wildhorse Grill boardroom. For more information on the club and our numerous community service activities, please go to PilotKnobRotary.com or send an email to [email protected].