Left to right: Pilot Knob Rotary incoming President Jack Kearney, outgoing President Karen McDaniels, and Past Rotary District Governor Peter Scott
Karen McDaniels
In celebration of the new Rotary year, the Pilot Knob Rotary Club at Robson Ranch held its annual banquet and new officer installation ceremony at the Wildhorse Grill on June 23.
The evening included a cocktail party and dinner for members and guests. Members Michael Weaver and Mannix O’Connor entertained with live music.
Outgoing President Karen McDaniels and Club Sponsor Past District Governor Peter Scott installed Jack Kearney as president for the 2022-23 year. A new slate of officers was also sworn in.
Several noteworthy awards were presented to members. Paul Harris philanthropy awards were presented to Debbie Wegman for her outstanding service to the club as secretary. Mannix O’Connor and Michael Weaver were inducted into the Paul Harris Society. Rotarian of the Year award went to Michael Weaver.
Pilot Knob Rotary Club meets Fridays at 11:45 a.m. in the Boardroom of the Wildhorse Grill at Robson Ranch. If you are interested in learning more about Rotary, please contact Jack Kearney at [email protected] or visit our website, www.pilotknobrotary.com.