Potluck Club

Kristina Ventura’s July Potluck Dinner was an evening of drinks and good food, which led to a lively trivia game of old movies, TV shows, and, of course, the familiar chant of “Do You Remember?” Hence, the very happy faces! Front row (left to right): Mary Riewe, Marinell Walder, Lance Yost, Michelle Yost; back row (left to right): Mike Riewe, Glen Walder, Marriott Terry

The Robson Ranch Potluck Club has been an integral part of life at the Ranch for more than 15 years. Our club of presently 95 members is open to all: couples, singles, owners, and renters. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors, as we meet four times a year with different people each time. Our diligent schedulers make sure of that, as well as making sure the hosts can easily accommodate their guests. It’s certainly an easy and great way to entertain, as the host chooses the main course and the guests bring a side—lots of time to enjoy each other.

At the end of each year, we hold a special event for all members. This year it will be “At Home at the Ranch” on Nov. 12, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Grill.

The yearly membership fee is $5 per person. We invite new members to join us anytime of the year. For questions, please contact Dale Muldrow at 719-662-0138 or muldrow.dale@gmail.com.