Republican County Chairman Brent Hagenbuch shared important info with our members.
Lynne Kelsey
As November approaches, the Republican Club is gearing up for action! The Membership Committee continues to man a table in the clubhouse three mornings a week, and our numbers have grown to an astonishing 713! The website Implementation Team is hard at work learning the ins and outs of the new club management software that will greatly expand our ability to communicate effectively and in a timely manner with our members. Thanks to the Shirt Committee, members can now order from a selection of club shirts bearing our new embroidered logo at tinyurl.com/38ryyjds. (Be aware that ladies’ shirts run small, so it is advisable to size up.) Campaign signs for Republican candidates are flying out the door as fast as we can get them—check at the Membership table to see what’s available.
At the September meeting, in addition to hearing important information from our local officials, we had an election of our own … using popcorn! Judge Eads, Mayor Hudspeth, and Commissioner Edmondson each sponsored bags of flavored popcorn, and our members voted with their taste buds. It was close, but our own Robson Rancher Diane Edmondson was the winner! Later in the month, the club hosted a Watch Party so that members could view the debate between Governor Abbott and Robert Francis O’Rourke as they gave their views on what would best serve the people of Texas over the next four years. A bit of fun was had that night as well, with a game of political trivia and melodrama-style cue cards on hand to cheer or boo the candidates’ answers.
At the Oct. 5 meeting, our own Congressman, Dr. Michael Burgess, shared his perspective on the state of the nation and what we must do going forward. In addition, City Councilman Jesse Davis spoke on the effort to recall Councilmember Alison Maguire. If you haven’t heard about the recall issue, come learn about it so you will know how you want to vote in November. That evening we also enjoyed a bit of fundraising fun, as the Liberty Belles presented our First Annual Bake America Great Again Cookie Contest. Our visiting dignitaries had the daunting task of tasting samples of all the entries (with special permission from the powers that be) while volunteer Cookie Cops kept any unauthorized snacking from the trays that were available in the silent auction. The triumphant winner took home bragging rights and a lovely certificate suitable for framing.
Coming up on Oct. 19, the Candidate Forum Committee has planned an evening for Republican candidates who have challengers to respond to questions, which will give our members a chance to understand what the issues are for these contested races. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet some of the candidates in person and to learn what is going on in these races.
If you want to be a part of the exciting things that are happening in the Robson Ranch Republican Club, be sure to stop by the Membership table on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. to join!