Members of the RRGC who won table centerpieces

Linda Lilley, co-program chair of the RRGC, holding a Phalaenopsis orchid, also known as a ‘moth orchid,’ which she won.
Theresa Peoples
The RR Garden Club had a delicious luncheon on Dec. 16, 2019. The group played a Texas garden trivia game and found out quite a bit about Texas gardening! The centerpieces were a mixture of a variety of poinsettias and cyclamen. Raffle tickets were drawn, and the winners chose their prize.
At our upcoming meeting on Jan. 20, 2020, we will have a locally renowned celebrity, who is a specialist on orchids. Dotty Woodson has been an Extension Program Specialist for Water Resources located at the Texas Agri Life Research and Extension Center in Dallas, Texas. If you have lived in the area for several years you may have seen Ms. Woodson on NBC Channel 5. Dotty retired and is now growing orchids and sharing her insights. She will present All Things Orchid. In honor of our January guest speaker, Linda Lilley, program co-chair, won an orchid of her own. This meeting will be open to all Robson Ranch residents! Please mark your calendars; you won’t want to miss this program.
As always, we meet the third Monday of the month in the Lone Star Room. The membership is $10 per family unit. We have some great programs coming in the New Year, so please consider joining when you visit us on Jan. 20, 2020, at 10:30 a.m.