Photo by Shirley Martin
Lynne Kelsey
Members of the Robson Ranch Republican Club recently convened at their annual dinner to hear Representative Lynn Stuckey speak about the concerns of conservatives nationwide and growth in Denton County in particular. While the dinner is a tradition, members are focused squarely on the future.
New leadership will be guiding the club for 2022-23: President Tim McCormick, Vice President Suzan Kardong-Edgren, Secretary Julie Remski, and Treasurer Jim Tenbrook. The newly elected board will take the helm at the June 1 meeting, where the agenda will focus on setting the course for future club activities. All Republicans at the Ranch are encouraged to attend and help shape the direction of the club. Bring a friend!
One of those activities, of course, will be the construction of the float for the Robson Ranch July 4th parade. Will it surpass last year’s float that featured three “presidents”? Details are being kept under wraps, but we can report with confidence that it will feature plenty of patriotic red, white, and blue!