Off to breakfast.
Stan Brein
July was a very active month for the club. It is good to see everyone doing things motorcycle again.
Leading off the month was our festive decorating party in preparation for the Independence Day parade. Everyone was eager to join in to add their patriotic touches to our rides for display at the grand parade. What an assortment of rides we had. Everything from standard two wheelers to a Can Am Spyder, and even a rad Honda Super Cub courtesy of Steve Bouse. But the show stopper was the Baker Bumble Bee Trailer-Bearing Boom Box Bedecked Banner-Laden Honda Goldwing Behemoth. I truly believe that if Scott gave it enough throttle it would get airborne! Everyone had a great time festooning the red, white, and blue on our collective rides. And thanks to Vicki and Scott for hosting and serving up those delicious brats! The parade itself was a huge success.
We had our first in-person membership meeting in a long while on July 22. Over 20 folks met at the Wildhorse Grill Board Room, with a few looking in on Zoom. Mike Conley always does a great job of summarizing and presenting club activities. We are up to 76 members. Mike recounted the great places we have been and gave a glimpse of what is to come. Thank you to the members who plan the rides and volunteer as Ride Captains and Sweeps.
About 13 members ventured out to the recently opened My Café in Flower Mound on July 13. Scott Baker led this outing which started at 7:30 a.m. to beat the July heat. Scott and Vicki are former Flower Mound residents and proved once again that they are very familiar with the nooks, crannies, and back roads of the area. The café itself was a hit: quaint, with good food and service. The chef has over 30 years of experience preparing meals in some of the finer restaurants. They are committed to quality through sourcing fresh ingredients from local farmers’ markets, and it shows. It is a great choice for breakfast or lunch, and we will certainly be back.
Members were excited and ready to go for what is becoming an annual ride to Angel Fire to experience the cool mountain air of northern New Mexico. We will have a full report in next month’s article. Upcoming events include a six-day ride to Branson, Mo., Sept. 19 through 24. We welcome back the Progressive International Motorcycle Show, which will take place in October rather than January. This year it is moving right up the road to the Texas Motor Speedway, so we hope to have a great turn out for this fun event.
November will bring the annual Denton County Coats for Kids Ride. Please consider purchasing a new coat for a student (K-12) and get it to a club member.
See you on the road!
Beware of cagers and keep the rubber side down.