Peggy Crandell
If you have not visited our new county administrative courthouse, you must set aside some time and do so. You will be impressed with this new addition to our community.
On a lovely day in early spring, after enjoying lunch at The Great Egg, 23 Rockin’ Red Ranchers headed over to the new courthouse where Andy Eads, Denton County Judge, hosted us and shared a wealth of interesting facts about his vision of preserving history in our city/county facility and how it came to fruition. And, by the way, Andy wore a “red tie” just for us.
The new campus was created to be a haven for Denton County families to hold business and social events, stroll through the grounds, or relax on one of the benches to take in the beauty of the landscaping, which includes a vast variety of native Texas plants and trees in the “backyard.” An amphitheater is nestled in front of a pond where one will likely see geese and ducks swimming. From there, you have a view of Memorial Island where you will see two statues—one commemorating our fallen law enforcement officers and the other our fallen firefighters. You can access the island by walking over the two historic bridges relocated to this site instead of being destroyed.
Judge Eads emphasized as we toured the facility that this building and outdoor campus was built for the people of our community to enjoy. Plans are in the works for various festivals, entertainment venues, and other community events to be held on the grounds and open to the public.
Judge Eads escorted us to the County Commissioners’ courtroom and explained to us the county business he and the commissioners manage in this beautiful and stately room. Of course, there was an opportunity for photos of our group with Mr. Eads.
A big thank you to Andy Eads for giving our group two hours of his busy day for this enjoyable tour.
And thanks to Joyce Brein, Carol Foley, and Dolores Wilson, our Rockin’ Red hosts, for arranging the outing. We all are now so much more informed about our new county facility, what services are available there, and the opportunities for us to enjoy our courthouse for social purposes.