Our hosts Carol Cieslik, Jan Thomas, Linda Stuart, and Jan Utzman (photo by Celia Hall)
Celia Hall
We had a wonderful time at the Rockin’ Red Ranchers Pizza Palooza on Feb. 15 at Carol Cieslik’s home, enjoying delicious pizza, salad, and a special Italian dessert. Queen Carla Baldassero opened the luncheon, and the new members in attendance were recognized and welcomed. Host Jan Utzman asked for memories of our first taste of pizza and led us in a variety of pizza-related games, including a fun “Getting to Know You” game. The Italian-themed table décor items, such as pasta, sauce, breadsticks, and pizza fixings, not only added to the ambiance, but also provided practical and enjoyable prizes for the winners of the games. It was a fun way to tie in the theme of the event!
Thanks to our hosts Carol Cieslik, Jan Thomas, Linda Stuart, and Jan Utzman, for their hard work and coordination in making the luncheon a delightful and delicious experience. Ciao!