Rockin’ Red Ranchers Visit Argyle Fire Station No. 514

May visit to the Argyle Fire Station (photo by Donalee Hallenbeck)

Donalee Hallenbeck

The firefighters and first responders from the Argyle Fire Station No. 514, which services Robson Ranch, greeted our members with an eye-opening tour of the fire station and all its lifesaving equipment and vehicles. Their many trips to the Ranch have provided services that are above and beyond the call of duty. Our tour would not have been complete without visiting with their four-footed friend (a dalmatian, of course). He needed to be in the middle of all the action! Thanks to the May hosts, Joyce Ambre, Donalee Hallenbeck, and Margot Kalina, for coordinating this informative event.

Many of the Rockin’ Reds brought sweet treats to the professionals as a thank you for their tremendous service. Afterwards, we lunched at the new Northlake Café and enjoyed great food and service.