Dave Everly, Gary Toothaker, Don Fryer, Lyle Dresser, and President Justin Landowner. Thanks for the help, Dave.
Rotary Club of Champions
David Everly
Champions Rotary Club organizes to help in the collection of tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Children’s charities.
Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is an American independent nonprofit organization whose stated mission is to “create, find, and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children.”
RMHC has a global network of chapters in 64 countries and regions under three core programs: Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Room, and Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.
Locally, the tabs buckets have been placed in the Robson Ranch Grill, Snooty Pig—Argyle, Justin City Hall, and The Mule Barn—Justin. Coordinating the pickups and deliveries will be David Everly, Don Fryer, and Robert Shady.
Once the tabs have been collected, they will be taken to the Ft. Worth Ronald McDonald House and recycled. All the funds from the recycling will go to children’s charities around the world.

Rotary Club members Dave Everly, D’Lynn Reynolds, and Danny Fletcher and Ponder Fire Chief Andrew Economedes
The Champions Rotary Club Honors Our First Responders
David Everly
Over the past year, police across the country have come under fire for doing their job. The Champions Rotary Club felt it was time to acknowledge that the vast majority of police are not only good and decent but courageous as well. Every day they go to work, there is a chance that they may be injured or worse. The police and firefighters put their lives and their safety on the line every day. The deaths of Police Officer Sonny Kim and Firefighter Daryl Gordon this year dramatically illustrate how real the threat is.
The men and women who serve as first responders deserve our admiration. They are often the first on the scene of a tragedy and provide security and comfort to those suffering. While the rest of us run away from danger, police and firefighters run towards and even into danger. We invest our police and firefighters with authority to promote and keep the peace. They deserve our support and gratitude as they do their jobs.
On behalf of The Champions Rotary Club and indeed the whole City of Ponder, we would like to say to the police and firefighters thank you for the job you do every day. We know that you are taking risks every day to protect us. Finally, we would like to thank the families of the police and firefighters who also face the possibility of the loss of a loved one.

A drone’s view of Pilot Knob Rotary Club
Pilot Knob Rotary Gets Lesson on Drones
Karen McDaniels
Pilot Knob Rotary Club welcomed Robson Ranch resident Steve Simpson as our speaker on Sept. 18. An avid photographer and techie, Steve shared his knowledge and experience of flying drones for fun and recreation.
With the growing popularity of drones, did you know that drone pilots require separate licenses and training depending on whether they fly drones as a hobbyist or whether they fly for commercial purposes? The FAA also segments and regulates both air space and maximum height that a drone can fly. We also learned there are regulations for taking off, flying over, and landing in national, state and city parks. Steve brought two drones and demonstrated how to fly and photograph with them.
Pilot Knob Rotary Club meets on Fridays at noon at the Wildhorse Grill. Join us to learn about Rotary, our speakers, and our focus on service to our community. For more information and to attend a meeting, please contact [email protected].
Champions Rotary Club Adds New Members
David Everly
The Champions Rotary Club President Justin Lansdowne welcomed Butch Walls, a former International Chair Rotarian and sponsored by Deborah Walls, with a new member certificate. Also present was Lisa Bauer with new member Jace Kiefer, who was sponsored by Gary Toothaker.
The Champions Rotary Club meets every Wednesday from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Mule Barn in Justin, Texas. You all come see us!