David Zapatka Following a good rain after a long, dry spell one evening on the pickleball court with friend Natasha Thompson, that luscious smell we are all familiar with danced in our noses. Imagine that fresh, earthy smell we all know so well as you read this column. Tash said, “There’s a word for that…
Category: October 2020
Religion, October 2020
Trick or Treat Comes to Robson Ranch!
Cynthia Drury Leave all your tricks at home and join us for a treat. Fellowship At The Ranch (FATR) Church is hosting a Drive Thru Halloween Trick or Treat candy distribution at the Robson Ranch Clubhouse parking lot on Saturday, Oct. 31, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Come in your golf cart, car, bicycle, or motorcycle…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
November Virtual Auction for SOT
Lynne Moore The Support Our Troops (SOT) virtual auction will take place over two days this year. It will start at noon on Nov. 11 and end at 9 p.m. on Nov. 12. There are over sixty high-quality items in the auction this year. Photos and descriptions of the items are available now on the SOT…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Champions David Everly Champions Rotary Club organizes to help in the collection of tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Children’s charities. Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is an American independent nonprofit organization whose stated mission is to “create, find, and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children.” RMHC…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Robson Ranch Music Club Acknowledges the Gold Inner Circle
Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair The Robson Ranch Music Club has a group of sponsors referred to as the Gold Inner Circle. These generous businesses make it possible for the Music Club to present quality entertainment by way of concerts and other events. The club is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and survives solely on sponsorships, ticket…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
CATC Clubs Offer Holiday Gifts

Rich Jedlowski Well, we’re into the “ber” months now; you know, September, October, November, and December, and that means it’s shopping season. That also means fighting traffic, crowded stores, or hoping that the things you order on Amazon arrive in good condition or for that matter, arrive at all. Robson Ranch offers a great alternative…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Sassy Stampers September Meeting Recap

JoAnn Gantos The Sassy Stampers held their September meeting on the 19th via Facebook Live. Tami Fenton once again led the club through the making of a beautiful fancy corset card designed by Sally Hampton, a longtime member of the club. This Heartfelt Creations inspired card is beautiful. Prior to our meeting, Tami led us…
Sports, October 2020
Welcome New Assistant Pro

Fred Thompson, Nine Holer Director of Communications Welcome our new assistant pro, Dave Hintz. Dave is a graduate of the Golf Academy of America-Dallas and previously held positions at Glen Eagles Golf Club and at Oakmont here in North Texas. Much of Dave’s working career was with General Electric in Milwaukee and other places. Prior to…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Women’s Club Fall Fundraising Initiative—Holiday Helping Hands

Sharon Foy The Robson Ranch Women’s Club is not able to host the annual Holiday Market this year because of the COVID-19 precautions. With this in mind, our Ways and Means Chairperson, Nancy Garre, and her committee have provided us with a brilliant opportunity to participate in a different way! The Women’s Club is enthusiastically…
Sports, October 2020
Robson Ranch Women’s Golf Association’s Hoofs and Heels Playday Event

Lea Ann Kirby Unfortunately, our annual Hoofs and Heels invitation tournament was canceled this year. Since we are still having playday events on Tuesday, the playday event on July 15, 2020, was the Hoofs and Heels format which is six holes of best ball, six holes of alternate shot, and six holes of scramble. There…