RR Democrats Advocate for an Even Greater City, Today

Candidates vying for local office: Jordan Villarreal, Sophia Anwar, Lilyan Prado Carrillo, and Brandon Chase McGee

Vicki Baker

Turning on our television, it feels like politicians are everywhere. But those dominating the news barely scratch the surface. With almost 100,000 unique governments in the U.S., there are over 500,000 elected officials overseeing our local municipalities. These offices have a major impact on our community and daily life, affecting how much we pay in property taxes, where housing and schools are built, and where our city sets its priorities.

In the next few months, voters will weigh in on what path our city takes by casting a ballot for the next mayor and members of the city council, school board, and property appraisal district board. Casting an informed vote isn’t just about choosing a preferred candidate. It’s about understanding how that choice will affect our daily lives for years to come.

Since voter education is critical to making an informed decision, the RR Democratic Club welcomed city council candidates to its monthly membership meeting. Brandon Chase McGee, incumbent for Place 5 (At Large), has visited Robson Ranch 13 times at the request of both the Democratic and Republican Clubs, exemplifying his accessibility to all constituents. For more information on his accomplishments and plans to keep his foot on the gas moving the city forward, visit www.mcgeefordenton.com.

Lilyan Prado Carrillo, running for Place 6 (At Large), is new to the political arena but no amateur to public service. Frequently, she served as bridge builder while on various advisory boards, city commissions and committees, and city task force. Learn more about her priorities for the city at www.lilyanfordenton.com.

This May, Denton voters will also elect three members of Denton Central Appraisal District. Sophia Anwar, candidate for Place 2, will use her experience working in both state and federal governments to charter the waters in this newly created position.

Jordan Villarreal is a candidate for Place 3. With his service on Denton’s Planning and Zoning Commission, Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, and Development Code Review Committee, he possesses the background to be an independent watchdog for Denton’s homeowners. View his experience and goals at www.jordanfordenton.com.

In an era where information, and misinformation, is at our fingertips, it’s our responsibility to be informed when it comes to our democratic processes. To learn more about upcoming elections, issues, and candidates, come join the Robson Ranch Democratic Club on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. To find out more, visit our website, www.rrdemocraticclub.com, follow us on Facebook, or contact [email protected].