RRWGA celebrates year end

Linda Farmer

The Robson Ranch Women’s Golf Association celebrated the end of the year with our annual Christmas party and awards presentations. This year our social chair, Judy Markley, decided to do something different by planning an elegant brunch at our Robson Clubhouse. As we entered the clubhouse we were presented with mimosas. After a time for visiting we settled down at our tables and awaited the arrival of our four-course meal. Chef Aubrey and his staff really exceeded all expectations. The meal was as beautiful as it was delicious. Many thanks to Judy and her co-chair, Sarah Ettredge, for putting this wonderful brunch together for us to enjoy.

After brunch Debbie Reed presented awards to all players who had scored birdies and chip-ins during the year. Jeanie Martinez was announced as the “most improved player” having improved her handicap index by six points. Mary Beninato announced the winners of the season-long ringer tournament. These players had the lowest total net scores on all WGA play days combined. First and second place winners in each flight were: Flight A, Diane Bent and Ok Cha Cummings; Flight B, Gabie Bull and Pat Sands; Flight C, Brenda Alford and Pam Kanawyer; Flight D, LaDonna Womochel and Jeanie Martinez. Kay McKie was recognized for having the only “hole in one” for the year as of the date of the party. If no one else joins her, she will win the entire three-year jackpot of $670. Congratulations to all the winners!

The final order of business for the day was the installation of our Executive Board of Directors for 2017. Diane Bent will serve her second term as president. Other officers returning for a second term are Donna Phillips, vice president, and Linda Watrak, treasurer. Pat Sands will begin her first term as secretary.

As always the generosity of our members was demonstrated by contributions to local charities. This year toys were collected for the Salvation Army. In continuing our memorial to Charlene Hodson we donated money and travel size toiletries to Charlene’s favorite charity, Our Daily Bread.

We are all looking forward to another great year of golf. If you are interested in joining our group, please check out our website http://rrwga.weebly.com for a membership application and other information including photos of our many events. Our organized Tuesday play days will begin in March.