JoAnn Gantos
The Sassy Stampers held their September meeting on the 19th via Facebook Live. Tami Fenton once again led the club through the making of a beautiful fancy corset card designed by Sally Hampton, a longtime member of the club. This Heartfelt Creations inspired card is beautiful.
Prior to our meeting, Tami led us through the coloring and shaping of the flowers and corset pieces. This was a great instructional video and by doing this portion of preparation, putting the card together on Saturday was quite simple. Although the card directions were provided identifying the colors used, this card can be as sparkly as you want and as colorful. Just make sure the color used goes well with the navy-blue mat. With all the products such as pearls, rhinestones, and liquid pearls on the market, the options are endless.
A special thank you goes out to Sally and our club president Diana Krug for cutting all the flowers and pieces for the card kits. As mentioned in previous articles, our club is quite large so putting the 75 or so kits together is quite a task.
If any club member has a special card design in mind for an upcoming Sassy Stamper meeting, contact Tami or Diana. That is what I love about our club—sharing ideas. In addition, our members are always willing to help out in any way they can. This is very helpful due to the size of our club.
At the end of our meeting, Tami previewed what is in store for our October meeting: a spooky sliding spider card designed by Debbie Warrick.