Seeds of Grace

Linda Buishas

Civilla Martin was amazed by the cheerful spirit of her friend Mrs. Doolittle. Civilla wondered how anyone who was bedridden, as Mrs. Doolittle had been for over 20 years, could be so happy. Her friend explained: “How can I be discouraged when my Heavenly Father watches over each little sparrow, and I know He loves and cares for me.” Her simple expression of faith touched the songwriter’s heart and inspired the lyrics we all know very well. Set to Charles Gabriel’s music, it has been heard everywhere from small assemblies to Billy Graham’s great crusades. It was there that Ethel Waters sang, as tens of thousands listened: “I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” As a child, listening to Tennessee Ernie Ford’s deeply moving rendition, my heart told me it was true, even before I knew that Jesus said it first.

Mrs. Doolittle was referring to Jesus’ words to His apostles: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care … So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Sparrows were used in ceremonial cleansings of lepers; one was killed, the other set free. No one cared which sparrow was sacrificed or which one survived, but Jesus explained that God noticed the fate of the tiny, disposable creatures. Jesus made it clear that we, having so much more value, are never outside of our Father’s watchful eye.

He instructed His apostles to “Go to the lost sheep” and tell them all He had said and done, while warning them that they would be hated, persecuted, and betrayed because of Him. His words, “don’t be afraid,” gave encouragement as He told the story of the sparrows to calm their fears and give assurance of God’s care.

Jesus’ message extends to us today. We, too, will be hated, persecuted, and betrayed. But take heart! He also said that those who obey Him will be spoken of in heaven, and whoever receives us, receives Him and the Father! It is a humbling calling to be sent to tell the world of all that He has done. No greater honor is there than to be one with Him and to be known in heaven.

Whether it be the sweet sound of sparrows, the song that Ethel Waters sang, or Jesus’ own words, may we be reminded of God’s protection and inspired to share what Jesus said and did. As Mrs. Doolittle never knew how her words of God’s loving care gripped the hearts of millions in a song, we may never know how far reaching our words will be. Let us continue to spread His love so that others will experience the rewards that only He can give, being assured that He is keeping His eye on us, as we “go,” for we “are worth more than many sparrows.”