The Singles Club officers: Dick Cecil, vice president; Ginny Brady, president; and Dorothy Hogan, treasurer; not pictured Secretary Peggy Beyer
Martha Wood
Singles Club officers make living at Robson Ranch a fun place for singles to live. Their work plus that of a variety of committee chairmen make it possible.
Dine Around for August was at Babes in Sanger on August 5. Terry Freeman, Dwight Fiveash and Mike Hoernemann are the Dine Around committee. They let all Singles know the place and date, and we meet in the parking lot at the grill and carpool, so don’t worry if you don’t like to drive in traffic; someone will do it. Look for sign-up sheets on Tuesday nights at the grill when you come to Mix and Mingle. Ginny is offering the following information so you can keep track of all the Single events. New neighbors are always welcome.
Monthly Singles Meet:
Every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.: Mix ‘N Mingle at the Grill Bar
Every fourth Saturday evening: BYOB in members’ homes
The first Wednesday at a different restaurant for Dine Around
The third Friday at members’ homes for Mixed Poker
The second Wednesday at members’ homes for Men’s Poker
At a scheduled time for Wine Tasting in small groups in members’ homes
In small groups for Gourmet Dining in members’ homes
Every week for Dallas Cowboy games in members’ homes
Quarterly Singles Meet:
In small groups for potluck dinners in members’ homes
Yearly Singles Meet:
Four times a year for quarterly Executive Board Meetings
Two to three times with advance notice for White Glove Dining
Three to four times for Special Events (excursions, patio party, Christmas party, etc.)
The Super Bowl Game is held at a volunteer member’s home every year.