Smackdown—iPad Pro vs MacBook Air

Steve Simpson, Robson Ranch club officer; Host

The Robson Ranch Tech Club meets the second Monday of each month (except August and December) starting at 7 p.m. at the CATC, Room 104. We invite all with interest in any technology related topics.

Our Sept. 13 meeting was hosted by Steve Simpson and Paul Marriott (club officers) covering a very engaging topic, “Smackdown—iPad Pro vs MacBook Air. An in-depth presentation of which Apple computing device would best meet attendee needs based upon budget, practical use, and functionality. The iPad Pro Magic Keyboard YouTube video was played with an attendee discussion of the total cost of the newest iPad Pro vs MacBook Air. The meeting was wrapped up with a live demo of the iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard.

Our General Meeting was on Monday, Oct. 11, and was hosted and presented by Paul Marriott (club officer) about another very popular topic of “Data Storage—Cloud vs Physical Drive”.

Please join us each month! The Tech Club has no dues or membership requirements other than owning or having interest in anything related to technology.