Clyde Roberts knows that fishing is fun … but catching is better!
Scott Baker
When you think about smallmouth bass (or smallies), the Great Lakes come immediately to mind, followed by clear, natural, northern lakes and Rocky Mountain streams. But the State of Oklahoma, land of shallow, muddy-water lakes where largemouth have long reigned supreme? Not so much. Well, it’s time you changed your thinking.
The RR Fishing Club stocked our tackle boxes in mid-April and embarked on an overnight stay of fishing and boating on Lake Murray. Located south of Ardmore, Okla., the 5,700-acre lake was built by the depression-era WPA (Works Progress Administration) and CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) back in the 1930s. With its 67 miles of shoreline and clear, spring-fed waters, sight fishing is first-rate.
Smallmouth bass have been extensively stocked in Lake Murray. Though this riverine strain doesn’t grow as large as their reservoir cousins, what Lake Murray smallies lack in size they more than make up for in numbers in the two- to three-pound class.
The full day of fishing was terrific, despite falling short of reaching our limit. But we still reeled in plenty of good eating for everyone. In addition to the smallies, we caught crappie, white bass, a few largemouth bass, and an odd flathead catfish.
Added to the exceptional fishing, our overnighting in the floating cabins afforded us panoramic waterfront views from our own front doors to watch waterfowl and wildlife. What a way to top off our day, relaxing directly on the pristine waters of Lake Murray while watching the sunrise and sunset from our own deck.
Lake Murray State Park, boasting its crystal-clear blue waters, rates as one of the state’s most popular spots for fishing and boating. Perfect for that quick fishing trip. Perfect for the RR Fishing Club.
Interested in dropping a line? Plans are always in the works for fishing destinations around Texas and beyond. The RR Fishing Club meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Wildhorse Grill Boardroom at 4 p.m. For any inquiries, contact [email protected] or Scott Baker 214-334-7664.