Every year the HOA Facilities Committee invites interested homeowners to apply to serve on this committee as it reorganizes for the coming year. The requirement for serving on this committee is that the committee member must be a Robson Ranch homeowner currently residing in the community. Service as a committee member is voluntary. The committee…
Tag: Facilities Committee
Generals, July 2024
Coming Soon: Amenities Survey
La Donna Womochel, Chair, Facilities Committee In May many Robson Ranch residents attended forums conducted by the Facilities Committee to gather information about what amenities might appeal to future residents in the next five-plus years. The residents listened to each other, made their own suggestions, and then voted on the ones that were most appealing…
Generals, May 2023
The Big Three

Janet Tucker No, I’m not talking about basketball. I’m talking about the three subcommittees that operate under the Facilities Committee and at the direction of the HOA Board. The Facilities Committee focuses on the best way to allocate facility use, encourage a diverse range of activities, and endeavor to facilitate fair and reasonable access for…
Generals, February 2022
Need Information About Clubs and Classes?
How many people have you met who moved to Robson Ranch during the COVID-19 outbreak? If you talk with them, they will say that they are just now getting into the swing of the Robson lifestyle. And the people who have been residents for a while, are just now getting back into that lifestyle. The…
Generals, November 2017
Facilities Committee members needed
La Donna Womochel, Chair, Facilities Committee The Robson Ranch Denton Homeowners Association (HOA) has openings for homeowners to serve on the Facilities Committee. Committee members shall be Robson Ranch homeowners, currently residing in the community. Service as a committee member is voluntary. The committee serves the HOA Board by recommending criteria for use of current…
Generals, April 2017
Let us know what you think
La Donna Womochel, Chair Facilities Committee The Facilities Committee, one of the standing HOA committees, has as one of its responsibilities the role of gathering information from residents about their concerns and interests related to the amenities here at Robson Ranch. In the past this committee has conducted surveys on the use of the facilities…
Generals, March 2015
We would like to know: Facilities Open Forum
If you have an opinion or a concern about three of our most used amenities here at Robson Ranch TX, we would like to know what you are thinking. Facilities sub-committee chairs have scheduled an open forum for the following facilities to be held at the clubhouse: CATC, clubhouse and sports center. Each forum will…